Online Therapy

How to Make Online Sessions Work For YOU


How it works

Got any specific questions about how online therapy could work for you ?

Online counselling session is similar to in-office in person session except that it takes place over the web-based communication system similar to Skype, but more secure and easy-to-use system called Zoom. You can meet using a computer or any mobile device - phone, tablet, some spaceship gadget - as long as you are connected to WIFI.

STEPS to join an online therapy session:

  1. Book your appointment, either through my online booking system

  2. Check to make sure you received a Confirmation Email from Light On Wellness. The Confirmation Email will contain a URL to the online meeting as well as the options to Cancel/Reschedule the appointment.

  3. At the time of your appointment open the Confirmation Email and click on the link next to “Where” (First time, it will ask you to download an application called Zoom, takes about 2 mins).

  4. Enter you name and will take you straight into the video meeting with me. No usernames to create, no passwords to remember, no accounts to register or confirm. Easy peasy. In the event of any difficulties, I will call you at the number you provided at the time of booking the session.

GUIDE to help ensure a successful online therapy session

  1. Ensure that you have a strong connection to the internet. Please do not rely on cellular data! Connect to WiFi or cable directly

  2. Ensure that you have a working front-facing camera and a pair of headphones/ear buds in case we experience echo.

  3. Go out of your way (the same way that you go out of your usual way to get to my office) to create a private setting for yourself. Find a space in your home (it can even be a bathroom, remote room in the basement, car in the driveway) where you won’t be bothered for the duration of the session by:

    • Roommates - give them a heads up that you are in an important meeting

    • Family members - this is where you might need to think ahead and get your kids busy with an activity that will keep their attention.

    • Pets - pooches barking at squirrels outside, cats walking across your keyboard are super adorable, but remember we might always jump into a meditation and pets like to come up and start curiously sniffing your fave to check what’s wrong with you. Instinct! So keep them busy with a chew toy or treat in another room if possible.

    • Colleagues - book an hour off in your calendar, set is as busy so your office mates know you are unavailable. Set messengers to Do Not Disturb

    • Other - shut off the close email browsers and set phone to Do Not Disturb

    • If some of these are not possible - we will always tailor the session to your current circumstances!

  4. If it is your first session, please fill out and return to me this form.

Benefits of Online Therapy

One of the few obvious benefits of online therapy is, of course, convenience, accessibility and flexibility. It can be done from the comfort of your home office, bedroom, work office, living room, you name it. It cuts out the need for yet another commute through the city in rush hours, it is immune to the drama of our weather patterns. It makes is easier to book last minute appointments if schedule permits.

This form of receiving therapy is especially loved by those with busy lifestyles alike

  • stay-home/mat-leave moms and dads who can only have their session only during baby naps

  • 9-5 office working bees who can’t fathom another commute and like to connect with me at the office in the morning before working hours, at lunch, or right after office hours right in the office before going home

  • persons who live in remote areas where access to mental health options is limited

  • self-employed individuals who have an unpredictable schedule

The list goes on but is not limited to the lifestyle. This form of therapy may be the only answer to

  • persons with severe clinical depression who lack energy and motivation to seek out therapy outside of the house

  • people who suffer from agoraphobia

  • persons who suffer from any psychological or physical conditions symptoms of which prevent them from leaving their house.

Limitations of Online Therapy

Things that are be limited by this form of therapy is the possibility on the part of the therapists to provide immediate attention to any physical symptoms that can be caused by triggering of old emotional wounds, or any other physical reaction such as allergic reactions, chocking or self-harm. In those cases I may be required to call 911 or your emergency contact.

The possibility of body psychotherapy modality or hands-on reiki is limited to in-person sessions only.

National Guild of Hypnotists recommends that first few hypnosis sessions are to be performed in person, however follows up are possible remotely as client becomes familiar with the state of hypnosis and is able to reach depth without additional testing and deepening techniques.

Although I am using only the most secure and encrypted modes of in-session communication compliant with the latest Canadian regulations on safe transmission of health information, nothing on the internet is 100% secure and there is always a possibility of interception of communication by unauthorized third parties. If privacy of your communications online is of the outmost priority for you, online therapy may not be the right avenue.