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Use this button to book yourself in online for a free 20-minute video consultation. Receive instant appointment confirmation email.
Confidentiality is of the outmost importance in our work. I am governed by, and I strictly uphold, the Professional Standards of the College of the Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario and well as the guidelines set forth by the Canadian Counsellors and Psychotherapists Association.
Please be aware of the legal limits to my promise of confidentiality to you. These are in place to keep you and the vulnerable populations safe.
If you tell me about a child who has been neglected of abused or is currently being abused or neglected, I must report incident to the local Children’s Aid Society.
If for some reason you are involved in a court case, your records may be subpoenaed. I do everything in my power to keep you records confidential, however it may be out of my control to do so.
If you disclose that another health care provider has sexually abused you, I have the legal duty to report the incident to the appropriate governing college.
If you tell me that you are planning to severely harm yourself or someone else, I am legally bound to intervene to make sure that you and/or the other individual is safe